March 21, 2012

This charming one moment

What is one moment?
 We waste years of our life becouse not sure in smth, laziness, slow down ...
One moment is like this -  one, two, three  ... and one moment instantly  have vanished and dissolved.
Just one moment need for a look that will change someone's life and will fill with joy like a sunlight .
We need one moment to write a poem,
which may be people will  read during next century to people close with...
One moment need for a special idea  that may be will  surprise the world, or will turn on and some  sense ...
One moment need to meet  soul mate and to realise this heart - that is exactly what you are looking for!
One moment need to see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, which probably you will remember the rest of life ...
So it is important not sleep during all these moments that fill our present. So lets will  be the creators our charming moments, that make up eternity in our hearts !

Пиши вірші так, ніби нещодавно був щасливим

    Пиши вірші так, ніби нещодавно був щасливим, ніби ще пам’ятаєш, як це — любити від початку і до кінця, ніби щойно забігав у холодну квіт...